
Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling

If you have an old boat that you are wanting to recycle please Add a listing into Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling Exchange to find a recycler.
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Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling

Fiberglass Boat Recycling

Old end-of-life fiberglass boats need to be demolished by dismantling and stripping out all the wood, metals and non fiberglass materials, and then the size reduction issue must be dealt with to enable transportation to a recovery facility.
The Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling Exchange attempts to link owners of old boats with boat recyclers in an effort to reduce the derelict and abandon boat dilemma.
If you have an old fiberglass boat that you need to dispose of please use the above form to find a recycler/dismantler of your Old or Scrap Fiberglass Boat.

Onsite boat demolition and removal services may be one of this decades hidden business opportunities.
If you are a recycler or dismantler and you wish to be notified whenever a new listing is posted to the Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling Exchange, please Join this Group.
A email will be sent to you to notify you anytime something new is added.

The "Old Fiberglass Boat Recycling Exchange" is an electronic information service designed to bring boat owners and boat recyclers together using the Internet, operated by www.fiberglass.com and the Cooksmill NetSystems Network.

Cooksmill NetSystems assumes no liability for errors, omissions and/or misinterpretations pertaining to the listings.

Cooksmill NetSystems assumes no responsibility for any and all details, agreements, and terms between the buyer and seller. It is the responsibility of the two parties making any transactions from leads obtained through our network to do their own due diligence on the veracity and creditability of the other party by checking references, etc of each other.

Cooksmill NetSystems reserves the right to exclude any or all listing submissions.

Conduct for any user found to be less than honest or to not be operating in a forthright professional business manner will not be tolerated and these users will be excluded from the site.

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file # 2236 | Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:40:20 EDT